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Vitamin D Supplements

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About Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D is an incredibly important nutrient that functions more like a hormone given that it offers a wide range of benefits to human health. The human body can synthesise Vitamin D in the skin as long as we have adequate sunlight exposure. Vitamin D is actually produced from cholesterol, though this process does rely upon other nutrients. Even on the Gold Coast of Australia, Vitamin D deficiencies and insufficiencies are relatively common, likely due to lack of time spent outdoors and the avoidance of sunlight due to concerns over skin cancer. 


A leading international Vitamin D researcher, Dr Michael F. Holick, in a paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004  emphasised the importance of this nutrient for the health of the immine system and bones, and for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Dr Holick recommends careful exposure to sunlight to ensure that daily Vitamin D requirements are met, whilst minimising the risk of sunburn.


It has been suggested that Vitamin D may be helpful for conditions such as muscle weakness, fibromyalgia and even chronic fatigue syndrome. This crucial vitamin may also be helpful in the management of seasonal affective disorder, depression and a healthy immune response. Vitamin D assists in the generation of natural anti-microbial proteins called cathelicidins. These proteins are produced by macrophages in responses to infections, whether they are of viral, bacterial, protozoal or fungal by nature. Daily Vitamin D supplementation has been associated with protection against respiratory tract infections, as reported by the British Medical Journal


Vitamin D is found in relatively low amounts in food, however a common food-sourced supplements over the past century has been cod liver oil. This oil is extracted from the liver of the cod fish, which also supplies abundant Vitamin A (as retinol) and the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Other food sources of Vitamin D are fatty fish, such as salmon and mackeral, milk and eggs. Vitamin D Supplements are an effective way to ensure your daily vitamin D requirements are met, with Herbs of Gold now offering a vegan friendly product. A daily dose of at least 3,000 IU is believed to be beneficial when dietary intake and sunlight exposure are minimal.