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UTI (Urinary Tract) Supplements

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About UTI (Urinary Tract) Supplements

Urinary Tract Infections more commonly affect women than men, which is believed to be due to women having a shorter urethra. These infections are typically caused by bacterial infection of the bladder and urethra. More serious infections can extend to the kidneys. Typical signs and symptoms involve a burning sensation when urinating, pelvic pain in women, rectal pain in men, cloudy and smelly urine.


No infection ever happens without exposure to an infectious agent. And though it is physically impossible to completely prevent pathogen exposure, it is well accepted that illness does not occurr unless host defences are impaired. That is, exposure to a pathogen can occur and not lead to illness when the immune system to functioning optimally. There are some natural products that can assist with the management of UTIs, one of the most popular which is the humble cranberry.


Many people supplement cranberry in juice form for the management of urinary tract infections. However, there are high potency supplements in both tablet and capsule form. Scientific research indicates that natural phytochemicals within cranberry prevent the adhesion of bacteria to mucosal surfaces, making it difficult for the infection to take hold.


Quercetin is a "natural antibiotic", given that it directly has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, making it more difficult for them to thrive. Additionally, this bioflavonoid is also a great natural anti-inflammatory. Vitamin C is also a nutrient that may be helpful in these conditions. Research shows that as little as 100mg daily can be effective for the prevention of this infection. ZInc and Garlic are certainly not to be dismissed in any infection, as they both offer a broad range of benefits.