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Grape Seed Extract

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About Grape Seed Extract

Grape Seed Extract, derived from Vitis vinifera, is well known for its high antioxidant content. Grape seed extract offers many other benefits, such as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects. This supplement may also help to protect the liver, nervous system and heart, with these benefits reported in a review article published in May 2016 by Phytotherapy Research. These beneficial health effects are likely due to its a high concentration of natural plant compounds called phenolics.

By definition, antioxidants are cellular protectants that neutralise free-radicals and the detrimental effects they have on the body. However, not all free-radicals need to be neutralised, as we some are needed to maintain health. Particular free-radicals are synthesized and released in the human body for specific purposes. For instance, some leukocytes (white blood cells) release free-radicals to destroy harmful infections. There does need to be a balanced approach to antioxidant supplementation, where a broad range of antioxidants are used in moderate quantities, without taking too much of any one antioxidant on its own.


Given the poor quality of westerners diets and the high level of environmental pollutants that we are exposed to, a supplemental form of antioxidants is a great idea, partocularly if you engage in strenuous aerobic exercise regularly. This is especially the case for people living in cities, with diets lacking in a broad range of antioxidant rich foods. As a good general rule of thumb, the antioxidant content of your diet can be assessed based on the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables it contains, and also the variety of colours found in the fresh produce you consume. Different colours in fresh foods represent different phytochemicals, each with unique health benefits and antioxidant activity.


Quality foods such as organic cacao, blueberries and walnuts, amongst many others, have been tested and shown to be exceptionally high on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) scale—a measure of antioxidant power. Grape Seed Extract may assist with a broad range of health maladies and support the maintenance of general health, ideally taken in combination with a diet rich in a broad range of antioxidant foods.