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Flatulence Supplements

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About Flatulence Supplements

Flatulence occurs as a result of gas that is produced in the digestive system and then released. A small amount of daily gas release is a normal part of the fermentation process that occurs in the small and large intestines. However, large amounts of gas or gas that is particularly malodorous are typically indications that the digestive tract is in need of support. 


A high volume of smelly gas can indicate hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), food allergies or sensitivities, dysbiosis (overgrowth of "bad" bacteria), psychological stress or inadeqaute brush border or pancreatic enzyme synthesis. However, the causes can sometimes be simple too, such as overeating and eating hurriedly without proper chewing. Without chewing the food enough and allowing time for mixing with saliva and the enzymes within, the digestion can have a hard time breaking the food down, which can result in fermentation in the intestines and gas production.


Without proper mastication (chewing), food is not broken down enough to allow digestive enzymes to do their work. This process can be compated to a crumpled piece of paper you're trying to bleach. The bleach works more effectively when the paper is unfolded, as it has more direct access to the entire sheet. Without proper chewing, enzymes don't have enough access to peptide bonds and other areas of the food moecules in order to break them down into smaller and more absorbable quantities.


Common supplement options for the management of flatulence include digestive enzymes, probiotics, and the exclusion of aggravating foods. Despite the fact that flatulence may seem relatively benign, it may be an indication that the gastrointestinal tract, food selection, eating behaviour or even stress, needs to be addressesd. Ultimately, excessive flatulence is a sign that the digestive and absorptive processes are not working as efficiently as they could, which may lead to malnutrition or other health complications if left unaddressed in the long term.