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Cranberry Supplement

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About Cranberry Supplement

Over the years, cranberries have been heavily stereotyped for use in alcohol-free drinks and to fight urinary tract infections. Yet the humble cranberry has got so much more to offer. There are a broad range of health benefits associated with these miraculous berries that have been written about since 1550 by James White Norwood, who indicated that Native Americans were using them at the time. 


How Cranberrys Help UTI?

Scientists have been scrambling to properly understand the natural chemicals in cranberry and how they modulate human biochemistry and promote wellness. Thus far, it is known that cranberries are rich in A-type proanthocyanidins, which may be one of the reasons they protect the cardiovascular system and urinary tract. This was reported in Advances in Nutrition in 2013. It is believed that natural compounds in cranberry prevent adhesion of bacteria to the bladder wall, helping to reduce the rate of infection. 


In 2008 The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews published a paper highlighting the effectiveness of these cranberries for the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections. However, they expressed concern over participant compliance to the treatment. So capsules or tablets, as opposed to liquids, may be the easiest way to get your daily dose.

Research published by the Journal of Nutrition in January 2007 indicated that cranberry prevented the growth of a range of tumours. The authors also concluded that cranberries had an anti-inflammatory effect via inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. As previously stated, cranberries have a cardioprotective effect, perhaps via their antioxidant strength and ability to modulate lipoproteins in the human body. The polyphenols found in this berry have demonstrated a number of effects in the human body, such as antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.


Are Cranberry Supplements Safe?

Cranberries are considered to have a strong efficacy-to-safety ratio for the management of urinary tract infections, as reported in Advances in Nutrition in 2016. This means that they are both safe and effective, and may even help to reduce dependence on antibiotics for the treatment of these types of infections.