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Carbohydrate Supplements

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Hammer Perpetuem
0 (0 reviews)  
Gen-Tec Nutrition Pure Carbs
38 (0 reviews)  
$44.95 - $69.95
$51.50 - $89.95
13% - 22% OFF
International Protein Extreme Carbs
49 (0 reviews)  
37% OFF
JD Nutraceuticals Cream of Rice
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25% OFF

About Carbohydrate Supplements

Carbohydrates are a major dietary macronutrient along with protein and fats. Long-chain carbohydrates are referred to as starches or complex carbohydrates and are composed of chains of sugar, just as protein are made up of chains of amino acids. Carbohydrate supplements are helpful for anyone wanting to gain weight or slow weight loss. Carbohydrates are an integral part of post-workout recovery drinks to replenish glycogen reserves, while endurance athletes and bodybuilders may use them during exercise to enhance performance.


Carbohydrate supplements may be mixed with a protein powder and taken between meals or before bed to support weight gain. This effectively creates a mass gainer product, which can be tailored to your needs. As your workload and carbohydrate needs increase, you can increase the carbohydrate level. Glycogen is a storage form of carbohydrate found in the muscles and liver, which provides easily accessible glucose to meet the energy demands of the cell. Glycogen stores are depleted during exercise, particularly endurance exercise, making replenishment important an optimal fast recovery. Though many do well on ketogenic or low carbohydrate diets, evidence still points towards carbohydrates for anyone engaged in high-intensity exercise to maximise performance and recovery, as reported in Nutrition Today in 2018.


Carbohydrate powders are a great addition to protein shakes for labourers and tradesman with high energy demands. This ensures energy levels are kept relatively constant throughout the day and prevents weight loss. If you are engaged in strength training or endurance, experiment with varying carbohydrate concentrations in water to see which level best keeps energy level optimised.


Carbohydrate supplements assist in the muscle cell uptake of amino acids by stimulating the release of insulin. Insulin is a powerful anabolic hormone that triggers the uptake of many nutrients required for muscle growth. Glucose and amino acids both enter the cell after stimulation by insulin, which is why carbohydrate powders work so well for this purpose. The Journal of Nutrition reported in 2002 on an inherent synergism between essential amino acids and glucose. When taken together, they stimulate muscle protein synthesis more effectively than when taken alone.


Any high-glycemic index carbohydrate, like those found in this section, will create a significant enough insulin spike to allow amino acids to enter the cell at increased levels. Carbohydrate powders may also be added to standard pre-workout or intra-workout supplements to enhance your training experience.