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Oxyshred Australia | EHP Labs

Posted on July 1, 2019

Oxyshred Australia | EHP LabsDividerimage


Oxyshred from EHP labs has been Australia's best selling thermogenic fat-burner for quite some time now. This is no surprise, given the awesome flavour range and long list of potent ingredients packed into each tub.


Oxyshred does more than the name suggests. It's not just a fat-burner. In fact, it delivers nootropic effects, boosts energy levels and even supports the immune system.


You can take it first thing in the morning, as part of a fat-burning program. This is a great time to really kick the metabolism into high gear for the day ahead! It may also be taken before exercise as a thermogenic pre-workout.


Oxyshred-Passionfruit.jpgThere's no doubt about it, the Australian fat-burning market is super-saturated with products. Health food stores, pharmacies, gyms, sports supp stores and even supermarkets throughout Australia are loaded with them these days. It's no easy task deciding which one to invest in, unless you're a professor of sports nutrition.


Fortunately, EHP Labs Oxyshred stands head and shoulders above the rest. It has survived the years of supplement crowding against the odds for 1 simple reason: it gets results.


There is a really nice range of flavours to choose from. The Oxyshred flavours are Kiwi Strawberry, Pink Grapefruit, Wild Melon, Passion Fruit, Mango and Guava Paradise. This means the dreaded flavour-fatigue won't be knocking on your front door any time soon.



Each Tub of Oxyshred Contains:

  • Amino Acids: L-Glutamine, L-Tyrosine, Taurine, L-Theanine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine (technically a dipeptide)
  • Fatty Acids: Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
  • Vitamins: Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12
  • Prebiotics: Inulin Fibre
  • Plant Extracts: Grapefruit Seed, Guggul Powder, Mangifera Indica, Raspberry Ketones, Olive Leaf
  • Minerals: Chromium Picolinate
  • Stimulants: Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Coffee Bean Extract



Does Oxyshred Work?

Yes, Oxyshred speeds up the process of fat loss. This product contains Acetyl-L-Carnitine, which research shows can boost fat loss. This dipeptide actually moves fatty acids into the mitochondria where they are burned for energy.


So with each dose of Acetyl L-Carnitine in Oxyshred we are delivered more energy, while fat-burning is stimulated. Few wouldn't be happy with that!


Scientific interest in Green Coffee Bean Extract has been booming for some time now. This is due to its rare profile of antioxidants and chlorogenic acids. These acids are believed to be responsible for its ability to promote fat loss, which is good news.




Oxyshred Side-Effects

As Oxyshred contains 150mg of caffeine per scoop, anyone sensitive to caffeine should be cautious when using this product. However, this goes for all products containing caffeine, not just Oxyshred.


Caffeine is naturally found in coffee, guarana, yerba mate, cola nut, cocoa/cacao and green or black tea and is a  strong metabolic stimulant. Because of this it can have a negative impact on some health conditions like anxiety.


If you have or have ever had panic attacks, hypertension, insomnia, irritability or a rapid heart rate (without exertion), it would be best to avoid formulated caffeine-containing products, like Oxyshred.


EHP Labs Oxyshred Australia

Oxyshred can deliver improved focus, mood and stamina. It tastes awesome in cold water and is a great way to consume some helpful amino acids, vitamins and other bio-active compounds.


If you're just visiting the land of Oz, you might be wondering if Oxyshred is available in Australia ... fortunately, it's everywhere.


At Sporty's health, we sometimes get asked if you can have Oxyshred and coffee? You certainly can. However, you need to take into consideration the total amount of caffeine you are consuming and your individual sensitivity to it. Too much caffeine too close to sleep might have you staring at the ceiling all night!


Another question we get asked is if you should cycle Oxyshred. It's always a great idea to take a break from caffeinated pre-workouts and thermogenic fat-burners every once in a while.


After each tub of Oxyshred, try taking a week off to give your system a break. This break will also allow you to re-sensitise to the effects of caffeine again, provided you don't increase your intake from other sources!


A lot of people think that thermogenic fat-burners only work as glorified placebos, that it's mind over matter. Fortunately, research is showing that many of the common compounds found in these powders have fat-metabolising effects that can speed up weight loss.


Kick-starting fat loss has never been so delicious with Oxyshred. Each tub contains 60 serves of the good stuff to help you burn fat, and enjoy the process!



For a closer examination of Oxyshred, here is the nutrition panel and ingredients for Mango Flavour.



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