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The Biggest BodyBuilders that you may or May Not Know of….. Yet

Posted on May 17, 2013

The Biggest BodyBuilders that you may or May Not Know of….. YetDividerimage


The world of bodybuilding is fierce and competitive. Individuals commit to the toughest training and diet regimens that leave most crying for time-out.


Can you imagine how tough it is to power through a heavy weight training session whilst dieting on about as many calories as a child?


This is the type of grueling training and nutrition that bodybuilders have to stick to come competition time.


And not just for one day either. It can last for weeks.


Leaders in the field of bodybuilding are well-respected and offer inspiration for anyone wanting to make some self improvements, whether they be stacking on some lean muscle or improving the quality of their diet.


Here are five international bodybuilding buffs that deserve some attention.


Rehan Jalali


Rehan Jalali is an internationally recognised Sports Nutritionist who has developed over 100 products for the dietary supplement industry. He has also published over 250 articles on nutrition and supplementation.


His work and development in the areas of nutrition and supplementation has been supported and acknowledged amongst professional bodybuilders, medical professionals and Olympic athletes. Rehan is also a natural bodybuilder and has held a number of bodybuilding titles such as Mr Texas and the Ironman Naturally Bodybuilding Champion.


Rehan Jalali studied science and the safety of sports supplements for more than 10 years, making him a respected expert in the field. His extensive research and experience gave him impetus to create the Supplement Research Foundation and author both ‘The Ultimate Performance Guide’ and ‘The Bodybuilding Supplement Guide’.


His continued progression within the industry has cemented him as an industry expert in sports nutrition and seen him set industry standards that are recognised by athletes and medical professionals alike.


Why he’s a bodybuilding buff:

  • Published over 250 nutrition articles
  • Natural bodybuilding champion


Philip Heath


Philip started his amazing athletic career playing varsity basketball at the University of Denver. This experience inspired him to invest and succeed in the bodybuilding profession. The competitive edge of basketball gave him a hunger for driving himself even further and Heath felt that body building would be the perfect way to carve out his niche in the field of sport.


His first competition was in 2003 where he had already managed to increase his body size from 185lbs to 215lbs – a stunning increase – to walk away with the Rocky Mountain NPC USA Championship title. The win gave him a thirst for further competition and so he enrolled in a hardcore gym at the end of 2003 to really hone his body building craft.


This decision led to his winning of the Mr Colorado competition at 200lbs. After this his innate body building ability was cemented when he signed with Weider Health and Fitness to invest in a successful future of competition wins.




Heath has achieved outstanding results across his bodybuilding profession and has been awarded many titles and honours including: 2011 Mr Olympia, 2005 NPC USA’s Men’s Heavyweight and Overall Champ where he was awarded the Pro Card, 2006 IFBB New York Pro 1st and 2nd at the Arnold Classic in 2010.


When Heath set out in the bodybuilding industry he aimed to “represent the sport of bodybuilding in a way that many people can relate to while maintaining the respect the sport deserves”.


Why he’s a bodybuilding buff:

  • Won his first competition as a self-taught novice
  • Has competed in 19 competitions to date


Ulisses Jnr


He is a native, lifelong athlete who has maintained a physique admired by both body builders and editors alike. Ulisses Jnr is a sports model who has wowed men and women with his impressive muscles for the pages of magazines and some of the most competitive body building competitions.


According to some he is considered a leader in the natural body building community as he currently holds the Musclemania Pro World Champion title. Ulisses is quite the entrepreneur with a modelling career, public appearances, personal training clients and gym manager of a private health club in New York under his belt; on top of his impressive championship titles.




Ulisses Jnr is a dedicated and passionate athlete who attributes his physique and accomplishments to a strict regimen of exercise, diet, supplements and dedication. He has mapped his body changes over time and works hard to be the best natural bodybuilder he can be.


Why he’s a bodybuilding buff:

  • Natural bodybuilding leader
  • A sort after international sports model


Steve Kuclo 


Steve has been an inspirational and enthusiastic athlete his entire life. His first forays into sport were for hockey, basketball and football. He has even achieved entry into the Hockey Hall of Fame thanks to his efforts. Steve’s enviable athletic prowess led him to the bodybuilding profession.


His budding enthusiasm for this sport was complemented by his educational pursuits to become a fire-fighter and medic. The focus was on excelling at both and that he did. Soon after joining the Powerhouse Gym in Clinton he decided to compete in a local competition where he was awarded first place in the Teen division and 3rd in the Men’s Open class. These achievements gave him impetus to keep going and excel further.




It wasn’t long before Steve was gaining attention in the body building circuit winning successive teen national heavyweight titles as well as building a partnership with Evogen Nutrition founder Hany Rambod. Both are committed to showcasing the most impressive version of Steve Kuclo the world of bodybuilding has ever seen. 


Why he’s a bodybuilding buff:

  • He has competed in an impressive 13 competitions
  • In the off-season he is a firefighter and medic 


Rob Terry


Rob started in the profession of bodybuilding by chance after picking up a weight in a hotel gymnasium while holidaying with his family in America. He explains the action got him hooked on weightlifting and he never looked back.


Rob’s overall career aim is to stay lean and fit all year round to maintain the most desirable wrestling physique he can achieve. The mental and physical demands of the sport spur him on to keep control of his diet, training and nutrition 365 days a year. For him bodybuilding is a passion and a way of life where the greatest commitment and dedication yield the best results.




On top of his body building accomplishments Rob is currently signed to TNA (Total Nonstop Action Wrestling) and also WWE obtaining the Television Champion and Heavyweight Champion respectively. He has appeared in movies, television shows and competitions for his outstanding physique and wrestling prowess which has put this Welshman at the top of his international bodybuilding and wrestling games.


Why he’s such a bodybuilding buff:

  • A pro-wrestling champion to boot
  • Current OVW Heavyweight Champion